The book Reynolds only reviews a short description of screen, specifically bar screen. Generally, if the intake is located to suck reservoir or river a two layer bar screen may be employed. First layer of bar screen is coarse bar screen. This screen has clear spaces between screen up to 75 mm (3″). As the clear space is quite big, it may be used to remove large debris (woods, rocks), or plastics as shown below.
Introduction for Unit Operations
In Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS), there are two important and core subjects to represent the existance this program study. They are Unit Operations and Unit Processes. We describe Unit Operations probe to physical process for water and wastewater treatment process.
The keypoints of Unit Operations as shown by picture below are based on physical mechanism to remove and treat unwanted pollutants. Students are expected to:
Outline of Unit Operations
Unit operations taught at this department is focused on the process of water and wastewater treatment instruments. The first thing that student need to know is definitely what is Unit Operations, so here are the outlines (this page is updated regularly, student ought to visit periodically to maintain updated news, materials and information for next lecture):
Being an environmental engineer: pass SAT
Environmental engineering is truly phenomenon, with the never ending story to remediate pollution and our natures. I remember the time when I got accepted at Department of Environmental Engineering, ITS, I was very happy as being a part of environmental engineer family was my expectation. But of course I had to work hard to pass the exam to go to that college, which was called UMPTN, similar with SAT test in US.
Environment Sites and SEO
If you are wondering SEO is, it is Search Engine Optimization. What it has something to do with environment? Well, I make this post to encourage those environmental sites webmasters to build sites that SEO-friendly.
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