Unit operations taught at this department is focused on the process of water and wastewater treatment instruments. The first thing that student need to know is definitely what is Unit Operations, so here are the outlines (this page is updated regularly, student ought to visit periodically to maintain updated news, materials and information for next lecture):
Basically, the outline of Unit Operations is described by picture below:
First Week
Monday, 27 August 2007 and Friday, 31 August for Class A and Class B:
1. What is Unit Operations?
2. What will student learn?
3. Basic physical process of water treatment
4. Units of water treatment
Students understand the principle of Screening, able to analyze types of screens, design and calculate screens collaboratively. Students are also expected to understand the principle of intake.
Second Week
Monday, September 3rd 2007
– Discussion of Introduction of Unit Operations before posting at Friday, September 7th 2007
– Discussion of intake and screening before posting at Friday, September 7th 2007
– Competition Batch I
Friday, September 7th, 2007
(to be updated later)
Third Week
(to be continued)